Thursday, February 19, 2009

Episode 25 was chock-full of lists you need!

And Here....We...Go.

The Top Ten List of Alcohol-Involved Games

10. Duke Nukem 3D

9. Leisure Suit Larry (Series)

8. BioShock

7. Postal 2

6. Oblivion

5. Conker's Bad Fur Day

4. Tapper (The Original)

3. Fallout 3 (and Series)

2. Grand Theft Auto 4

1. Condemned 2

Beer-Tasting Challenge List of Options

From Left to Right...

1. Rochefort Trappist #6
2. Starboard Oat Malt Stout
3. Weyerbacher FireSide Ale
4. Oskar Blues Gordon Ale
5. Flying Dog Gonzo Porter
6. Oskar Blues Dale's Pale Ale
7. BluePoint Toasted Lager
8. Founder's Double Trouble
9. Oskar Blues Ten-Fidy Stout

10. Flying Dog Horn Dog Barley Wine Ale
11. Samichlaus Malt Bier
12. Sinebrychoff Porter

Check it all out and more at!

-Makk & Mike

1 comment:

  1. the flying dog gonzo porter is the american dream in a rich, smooth alcoholic form
