Monday, November 9, 2009

Wow....a Triple-Header Review??

We know you idolize our opinions, so we do this for you.

We promise, we are going to start doing more of these, since we have gotten rave reviews for our reviews. A few things up front as reminders, we don't actually review games the way you're used to. We don't have to put hours and hours into a game and complete it, then give you all types of technical jargon bull to come up with a decimal point rating. We basically review games the way you do: we play for a bit and come to a decision whether or not this game is good and warrants more play time. So, without further ado, I bring you the latest installment of the BarcodePodcast review section! (Oh, quick note, these are all Craig's opinions, so mock him if you don't agree!)

You all know how we nutted all over Batman: Arkham Asylum because of its amazing story and bad-ass combat. You also know, if you've been listening, that I am the comic book fan, and that Mike is too cool for all that "young at heart" crap. So of course I had to get my hands on "Champions Online" as soon as I could. As an MMO, I felt this game deserved a bit more time before I wrote this review, so I killed some time before getting this we go.

First off, I must admit that I have played a few MMOs in the past. As mentioned in previous podcasts, I played Warcraft for about 9 months or so. While I appreciated its technical achievements, I grew very bored of the repetitive storyline and quest structure and bailed. Next was Guild Wars, the free-to-play MMO. Again, I liked its look, but grew quickly tired and bailed once I realized I was playing more out of obligation than fun. At this time I realized the scam these companies use: they make you play more because you feel you already paid and put in all this time, and not because you can't wait to see what stupid Rat Creature you have to kill to get five of it's hides and bring them to some guy who lives on the other side of the PLANET so we can send you to the other guy who makes the hides into potions that will help you get the young lady in your original town to give you another QUEST. Really? Seriously?? That's not even a joke, people....that happened. Twice.

Last but not least was City of Heroes/Villains. This game kept my attention the longest, as it catered to my love of superheroes and allowed for a lot of solo play (guilds are for queers). Plus the character creation was amazing. But again, I bailed after a while, as too many other games were taking up my time.

Then the CoH/V creators made Champions Online. Put simply, this game is an improvement in every conceivable way, and one that you will enjoy for a while. Why, you ask? Well, first off, I challenge you to try the insane character creation and not have a blast. You can even change the powers down to the color of an energy blast and where it fires from. Seriously, it is much more fun to do than to explain. The game provides so many options you can even make a character that could get you a hit with a lawsuit for infringement. Plus the game encourages solo play just as much as group play, so you can play however you like. And the comic book-style look to it is amazing looking, and will draw you in even further.

Remember, you may only play for six months or even a year, but that is still much longer than I ever give to single game. So in my (comic) book, this game is a (power) blast! Awwww yeah, you like how I did that, right? Am I awesome or what??

I don't even want to waste your time with a long-winded review of this next game. This should pretty much suffice: If you have a PS3, go buy Uncharted 2 right now. Seriously. Unless maybe you are already playing it, but then you should buy another one to support Naughty Dog. This game is amazing, in every possible way. It is quite possibly the most cinematic game I have ever played. And yes, I am including MGS4 in that statement. While MGS4 had a very intricate story with a lot of excellent cut scenes, Uncharted 2 could literally be turned into a movie tomorrow, frame for frame. You will love the 'building collapsing' scene just as much as you loved watching at E3, but that's only the start. The train scene? The escape from the tower? Wow...I could go on all day, but I don't want to ruin it. Seriously, get it right now. I'll wait. And damn, are you dumb for waiting for my review to finally pick it up. How cheap are you?

Here is the final game. Now I know it is well documented on our show that Mike and I have completely different tastes in music. While he enjoys screaming and shouting, I enjoy a more refined type of music with nice beats and words you can almost understand. Something more like, say, Jay-Z or the Jackson 5. So you would assume that DJ Hero would be right up my alley. And if you assumed that, you would be right.

Finally a game was made for those of us who aren't solely into Rock Music. The whole mash-up concept works very well, mixing Pop music with R&B, or Rap with Rock, etc. The music selection, while not perfect, is definitely better than the last few Guitar Hero games. And the turntable feels as awesome as Guitar Hero did the first time you ever played it. It definitely gets you even closer to the authentic feel than any other plastic instrument has to this point. Check it out, maybe at a GameStop or a friends, and see what you think. But if you like music games, or Hip-Hop, or both, buy this game today. But not the Renegade Edition. They are seriously trying to screw you there. 80 bucks for a few new songs and a DJ table? Only a retard would do that. Please tell me you're not retarded? Are we still allowed to use the word 'retarded'? Wow, that word is funny. Just say it with me....RETARD. HA!


Champions Online: 18 (An incredibly awesome generic MMO, which knocks it down because MMOs are by definition so far impossibly generic and filled with fetch-quests...but a great one for what it does, which is make you feel like a Super-Hero comic book writer.)

Uncharted 2: 26 (An awesome all-around game for anyone with a snappy banter, or witty review words...just go buy it.)

DJ Hero: 21 (A great music game that doesn't do anything new with the gameplay or modes versus any of the older music games, but finally includes good music...good enough for me.)

Agree with these Reviews? Disagree vehemently? We want to know. Drop us a line at!

CONGRATULATIONS, our dear friends.

Congrats...You All Deserve It.
We, the Barcode Boys of the famed BarcodePodcast, are delighted to officially send out this congratulatory post to ye of eternal glory, the one, the only, NEW YORK YANKEES.
As firm and staunch supporters of the "Yanks", we are honored to welcome you into our families as World Champions! While the Phillies put up a nice little struggle, we were always confident that you would be victorious, and you have proved us right once again. This is a short but sweet "Thank You" for making our lives more enjoyable, and this world a better place to live. Thank you again, and may you all have a prosperous off-season in preparation for another Back-to-Back World Series Victory (being the last team to do it, of course)! We both could not be happier for your success, and wish you all the best! Keep it up.
Your Two Biggest Fans in Podcast History,
The Barcode Boys, Craig & Mike

Episode 33 will crawl its way through your eyeballs and into your brain.


Did we scare you? Yeah, I know, you are too scared to respond. That's because you are about to listen to the "Halloween Edition", BarcodePodcast-style!

In this episode the Boys explore the holiday we all loved as kids by celebrating via Beer! Pumpkin beer, that is. And boy does it get them wrecked. So wrecked that they actually switch up some of their bits!! MIKE'S Bad Movie Review?? WHAAAAT? How scared are you? Wait, did you say CRAIG takes the lead on a List-Mania List of "Piss Your Pants"-Inducing Games?? Stop it, I can't take any more!! Oh, and the Boys dig deep into the Listener Live vault for real, live voicemails from horrific-sounding fans! It just keeps getting worse! Who needs "Paranormal Activity" when you have...

The BarcodePodcast....Boo.

Did I mention they got hammered? Wow, did they ever.

-Check all this out and more at!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Episode 32 changes EVERYTHING.

Let's Get Ready to Rumble.

Seriously, this time, it's personal. The Barcode Boys have finally done it. The Show might not go on. You've constantly asked, "Is it real? Are the Douche-CounterDouche fights legit? Do they really hate each other that much, or is it all an act?" Well, Episode 32 finally answers that question for you. They really do hate each other.

Listen to Episode 32 and find out why. Not to mention an all-new "Build the Perfect Superhero Game" in honor of Batman, a revamped Hype Machine 3.0, and the start of the 2009 Video Game Royal Rumble! Plus, you can also hear how the Barcode Boys handle having a real-live, honest-to-goodness professional game reviewer in-studio. Especially when that professional takes sides with one of the hosts against the other. I can tell you one thing, it's not pretty. But you will start to learn why listening to this whole Live Stream thing is a good idea...behind the scenes has never been more cringe-inducing and hilarious. Oh, and one last thing, don't forget the beer. Boy, do they get hammered this Episode. Will they kiss and make up? Only time and the next Episode will tell for sure. Tune in and find out why the BarcodePodcast may be an Endangered Species.

-Check all this out and more over at!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

They're BACK (for the 31st time)....and BETTER THAN EVER!!!

So we took a break....sue us.

Actually, please don't. We could never afford it. Unless you want to start paying to listen to the BarcodePodcast. Is that what you're saying? We could definitely do that. Yeah....let us think about that more.

Anyway, Episode 31 is finally here. We know, we haven't been around for a bit. Life caught up with your favorite podcasters, and a break was necessary. But absence makes the asshole sound more interesting, so now it's back! Get ready for an interesting one....we came back full force and angrier than ever.

Take a listen as the Boys talk about the "Summer Trifectum" (is that even a goddamm word??), engage in a rapid fire discussion of news to cover their lack of knowledge about current events, regain and old favorite sponsor (and break up with a new one after an uncomfortable short-term relationship), interview an incredibly cool and hip (hint....hire us) industry insider, explain thoughts on some last-gen game for some reason, generally ramble longer than ever, and get really, really drunk. They may even have a drinking problem...but they will never admit it, so eff off.

Seriously, the boys are back....but I guess "better than ever" might be a stretch. Just listen anyway, you will love it.

-Check all this out and more at!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

BCP's "Game-Shame On You," ROUND some housekeeping.

Okay, a few things need to be touched on. First off, we apologize for our incredibly extended vacation from the show. It hasn't really be a vacation at all, but a number of snowballing dilemmas, both personally and professionally, that have kept us away from the Innerwebs for the last few weeks. On the other hand, maybe it gave you a chance to catch up on some of the older episodes you missed the first time around, and you didn't miss us at all. To those of you who fit this exclusive group, you are welcome.

Secondly, we know that a lot has been going on in the gaming world, and we have not been able to cover it as well as we would like. You will be happy to know that we will be doing more blogging and twittering in the meantime and coming months, in order to provide much more direct interaction between actual shows. This way you can stay up-to-date on a much more regular basis, and can provide us with much quicker feedback between episodes. So please, do us a favor and take advantage of it.

Finally, we have been teasing our brand-new bit, the BCP's "Game-Shame On You," where we pick a game that we embarrassingly missed the first time around, play it for three hours, then talk about our findings with one another as well as you, the fans. Well, after all the teasing and delaying, we have finally made it to Round One of our "Game-Shame On You!"

Indigo Prophecy

If you haven't heard much about this game, it is the first big release by Quantic Dream, the developer who has been talked about quite a bit regarding the upcoming Heavy Rain. It was originally known as Fahrenheit outside the US, but was changed when brought to North America. You can read about it at the wikipedia page,

Below you can read both Mike's and my own opinion upon playing the first three hours of this incredibly innovative and different take on the age-old adventure game. Scores will be presented at the bottom.

Craig: "Indigo Prophecy is one of those games that defies one's ability to rate it for a number of reasons, especially in retrospect. On one hand, when I look at this game and play it straight, just as the game it is, I'm kind of lost. Certain aspects of the gameplay are watered down to nothing more than "Slide the analog stick to the left to move the closet door to the left, thus opening it." Wait....really? Did I seriously just do that? As in, that was actually considered as gameplay when you designed it?? And then it happened again....and again....and again. There is a sequence in which you actually move the analog back and forth to simulate mopping a floor, followed by a left-hand move to simulate dropping a knife in a bathroom garbage, a knife with which you just murdered a man in cold-blood without any knowledge of why.

Yes, the second part of that sentence is why this game is pretty damn cool. The story is definitely ahead of its time, taking chances and pushing the envelope whenever possible (including some pretty racy sex scenes long before that whole impossibly pathetic "SeXXBox" shit). In addition, the game does for me what every good game should do: fake me out! Indigo is able to make me love it not because of what it does, but what I imagine I wish it was doing. It does the best job I have ever seen taking the relatively basic concept of moving sticks and pressing buttons (clearly not a novel act in games), and faking me into believing I am actually becoming part of the world within the game.

Am I actually any more involved than any other game? Of course not, not unless Heavy Rain comes with some gigantic crappy-looking "Last Starfighter" VR helmet or some shit. But somehow, it will confuse you into believing that you are living every game's dream: that you are 'really there' (whatever that means). It reminds me of all those crybabies who bitch and moan about how Quick-Time Events take you out of the game because you are just hitting buttons instead of controlling the action. I'm sorry, WHAT??? WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING WHENEVER YOU PLAY A GAME??? How does that statement even make SENSE to you??

Long story short, this game fails miserably on one hand, and is a whole new world of innovation on the other. It's most impressive feat is getting me amped up for what Quantic will be able to pull off with Heavy Rain...especially if it comes with that awesome Last Starfighter VR helmet (yeah, I changed my mind....we can mock it now, but 7-year old Craig wanted the shit out of that thing)."

Mike: “As my 3rd hour with Indigo Prophecy comes to a close, I cannot help but think about Star Wars. No, not the compelling cock-competition between the USA and USSR in the 80’s, but the compelling cock competition between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance in the 80’s. When one watches the movies now (and I mean the ORIGINAL trilogy, not the newer crap) one cannot help but think that they only hold up because we fondly remember how cool they were 30 years ago – if you forced someone to watch them right now who had never seen them before, they would invariably say that they SUCKED, and an argument would ensue that would involve some combination of wookies, midgets and Carrie Fisher’s tits. So, I finish my 3rdhour of Indigo Prophecy, and I say to myself, ‘this game sucks’. But does it, really? No, it most certainly does not, but it just doesn’t hold up today. That is why this Shame on You segment is so unique… forces one to almost forget how far we have come and, instead, remember where we were. That being said, I STILL wasn’t enthralled by this Quantic Dream offering. The pacing was incredibly slow and the addition of other playable characters was interesting provided it was during the same scene i.e. the first chapter had me playing two different cops investigating the same crime scene – pointless, honestly, and it did nothing but slow the story to a crawl IMHO. The graphics were so-so, most likely average even for 2005, but the graphics really don’t need to be good – it is the story that drives this game along and it seems to be a great story at that. If anything, I am glad to have experienced this title if only to provide precedent for the upcoming Heavy Rain, which looks to improve the pacing and obviously usher this ‘choose-your-own-adventure’ into the next gen. To be fair, I am not one for slow-paced games, so my score is contingent on the fact that the whole experience may have improved with the addition of a chaingun, but I feel confident that I gave this title enough of a chance."

BarCODE Podcast GAME SHAME ON YOU scoring system – minimum a game can earn is 3pts, or a 15%, max is 20pts, or a 100%

a) Did you play it when it first came out? (No = 0pt; Yes = 3pts)

b) How long did you play it now? (Min 2hrs = 1pt; 3-5hrs = 2pts; 5-10hrs = 3pts; finished the game = 5pts)

c) Would you recommend this to others? (No = 0pt; Yes = 2pts)

d) Graphics ‘Then’ – (Scale of 1 to 10 based on release date comparators)

e) Graphics ‘Now’ – (Scale of 1 to 10 based on genre-specific comparators)

Craig Makk's Overall Score:

a) Yes

b) 4 hours

c) Yes

d) 7

e) 5

Total: 19 points, or 63% Overall.

Mike Lock's Overall Score

a) No

b) 3 Hours

c) Yes

d) 6 out of 10

e) 4 out of 10

Total: 14 points, or 47% Overall.

Current GameRankings score – 85.77%

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Now it's Craig's turn....

Why get a real review when you can read our crap?

We’re now clearly on a roll, so I’ll keep the ball rolling. My god, let’s also see how many times I can use the word “roll” in this analogy of moving along. Speaking of moving along…

This has been a radically different summer than the norm so far in terms of game releases. While we typically assume that the summer is the time where you go back to finishing all those Christmas releases that you never finished, companies have finally realized that gamers actually want to purchase new games beyond of the winter. Honestly, did companies believe all games were bought by parents for their children as a holiday gift? Don’t those damn studies show that the average gamer has risen to 35 (which, by the way, makes me incredibly happy that I am on the low side of that study…Mike, on the other hand...)? Seriously, how many 35 year olds are saying, “Mommy, here’s my Christmas list…don’t forget to add Batman: Arkham Asylum at the bottom!” What the fuck?? We're semi-adults, goddammit. Please, try to treat us that way. And I say that with the full realization that I do a podcast where I get to get hammered and talk about tech and video games, so I have very little credibility in the "adult" regard.

Okay, back to the original point. Fact: Games are actually coming out in the summer time, which is a good thing. Fact: Not all those games are going to be good, which is also a good thing. Without average, or better yet, crappy games coming out from crappy companies, we would never really understand how great the other games really are. Final Fact: Sometimes average games come out very close to great games, and are destined to get slammed in the comparison. Sucks to be those games, but it happens. Remember when “Mamma Mia!” was released in the theaters? Probably not, because you were busy seeing “The Dark Knight” for the fifth time at a midnight showing in IMAX. Whoops…great timing.

Now, imagine if “Mamma Mia”! was about a brooding superhero who fought crime, but had clearly sub-par special effects, a non-existent storyline, and still starred that bug-eyed chick from “Mean Girls” singing shitty ABBA songs. Not only would it still have been destroyed by TDK, it also would’ve been panned for being a copy-cat that was clearly inferior. Any idea where I am going with this?

A few weeks back, inFamous was released for the PS3. For those not in the know, it stars a gravelly-voiced 'who-cares' character that is suddenly infused with the ability to control electricity during an explosion that rocks some major city. The player gets to decide whether they use these powers for good or evil. The choices are often rather heavy-handed and evenly poorly implemented, but the idea is interesting and the power schemes are cool. What makes the game a must-buy for the PS3-owner is two-fold: a) the controls are incredibly, and hearken back to the feeling of “Assassin’s Creed”, and b) you don’t own shit for the PS3 that was worth a damn, so at least you can buy something for your shelf other than another stupid Blu-Ray.

I love this game. While the character (Cole something or other, but let’s just call him Generic Video-Game AntiHero, henceforth know as GVGAH) is a pretty generic representation of the old 80’s action movie star, the way he moves about the city is incredible on the eyes. You really get the feeling that you can go anywhere and do anything. You never worry about landing a jump, grabbing a handhold, or shimmying down a wall. Mike and I instantly agreed that one of the best parts of the game is when you jump to a lamppost. Seriously, that conversation actually happened. The way GVGAH slides down a bit as his momentum carries him to the post is the definition of immersive. You immediately understand how he interacts with the world, and you don’t have to work to pull off cool moves. It becomes second nature, which is what games are supposed to do. I shouldn’t constantly have to think about the controls, I should just be able to do stuff. Go try it, you'll see what we mean. No worries, we'll wait.

Now on to the other game that came out a few weeks back. You may have heard of a little game called Prototype. You may have even purchased this multi-platform game. Go return it, right now. If you opened it, I apologize. Speaking of which, remember when you used to be able to buy a game, beat that shit, and return it to Babbage’s for a new game? Hahahahahaha….dumbasses.

But I digress. So, back to my original point, which is this: Prototype sucks. The game is so similar to inFamous in multiple ways: the idea of an open world, a character with powers, concept of being able to run over and up anything and everything, etc. But it’s just not as well-implemented, or even as fun. I played a total of 10 minutes, and then went back to inFamous. The character is cornier, the controls are weaker, the animations are much worse, and the graphics aren’t even as good. Sure, there are more powers, but they are exponentially less fun to control than GVGAH’s electric-based power set. And I couldn’t care less about the stupid character and his revenge mission. He is a hoodie-wearing weak mash-up of potentially interesting ideas put in a blender, resulting in some douche who is inexplicably less interesting than the mentally-challenged mute from GTA3. He actually made me angry at my screen. Jesus, how hard is it to make a character that draws you in, or at least doesn't pull you out of the world? Apparently harder than we think, because most developers suck at it.

Can you imagine the thoughts that went through said developer’s heads when they saw inFamous was released? Here’s my guess:

“Wow…another game with a character running through a city, kicking the shit out of everyone with his anti-hero powers! Awesome! That will totally help our game sell more units. Wait, what? You said the game controls well? Oh well, who cares. People bought a shitload of Res 5, and that game controls like a retarded person. Oh, and it looks beautiful? Ummm….okay, well, we can steal people’s souls! So it also animates well and draws people in to the world instantly? Oh fuck, can we delay launch until 2010??”

Sucks, huh? We play a ton of games. You may have noticed. We don’t necessarily beat a lot of games. I will probably beat inFamous. I will never, ever in a million years beat Prototype. Honestly, I may never even put it back in the tray. If that isn’t a ringing endorsement, I don’t know what else to say. I can say I know this isn’t really a review; it’s more of a rambling stream of consciousness. But in the end, if you only take one thing from this comparison/review, remember this: Mike is old. Way older than me.
Barcode Ratings:
inFamous: 21 out of 30, or a terrible, incredibly flawed incredibly fun and immersive model-level game
Prototype: 6 out of 30, or an average at best horrific crap game

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

You Are Not Ready....

...for Mike's Mother-Shagging Furious Review.
But you already clicked on this post, so you might as well read it.

“I figured it was about time that I voiced some comments on this blog….those of you that follow us know that I am the REAL talent on the BarCODE Podcast. It should follow that you would purchase anything that I ENDORSED….and so, here is my Ghostbusters review.

Ahem… should DEFINTELY, possibly think about maybe purchasing this game. Maybe. I am not sure.

Shit. How the hell does one review something that is so truly un-reviewable? A game that exists on two completely different planes of existence, that is so diametrically opposed – to itself – that is needs more therapy than Sonny and Cher’s “daughter”. Seriously, I play this game and simultaneously laugh and scream for the duration of the session. But I digress, let’s get to the reviewing….

Recall that this game has been through quite a development process, and was originally slated to launch in 2007, then pushed to early 2008 and finally hit US shores in mid-2009. During this tumultuous time, the game lost its license, gained it back, lost its voice talent and writers, gained them back, lost its publisher, found a new one AND changed graphical engines TWICE. Craig and I actually picked this to be our most anticipated game – of 2008. Ooops. We have not been this off since Craig reviewed the movie “JuMPeR” – favorably. Finally, the game launches with Harold Ramis and Dan Aykroyd co-writing the script, Aykroyd, Murray, Ramis and that black guy adding voice-over and Alyssa Milano adding her voice and tits to the character that supposedly replaces Sigourney Weaver, who was allegedly “on the fence” about this project, to which the producers said “great, beat it bitch, we have someone just as recognizable who happens to have the correct amount of chromosomes.” If you are wondering where Rick Moranis might be, so is his wife, so if you find this reclusive douchebag, please let her know. All of the voice work is top notch, with two exceptions: 1) Bill Murray’s ‘Peter Venkman” is nearly laughable as it sounds like Murray doing an impression of Venkman doing an impression of Murray doing an impression of a cadaver, and 2) that black guy (who I was just informed is Ernie Hudson, but will still be referred to as ‘that black guy’) apparently plugged into the Matrix where Tank programmed him to be super smart with a PhD in Spectral Anomalies. The dialogue is reasonably witty, each character (except that black guy) seems to channel the same personality you’d expect after seeing the movies, and the story itself could truly be GB3-worthy in the theaters. The atmospheric and gameplay sounds as well as the soundtrack are spot-on and I think represent the strongest quality of this offering. Before I move to the gameplay, I feel it important to address what seems to be the BIGGEST gripe that other, more reputable reviewers have with the production – the lip-syncing is waaaay off. Oh no, what will we do? Who cares if it is fun, just as long as the lips match the sounds I hear. My rebuttal – I don’t give a shit about the lip syncing, I am not paying attention to their mouths and frankly neither should you. When watching porn, I pay attention to what goes INTO the mouth, not what is coming out, and I do them same when playing a video game. You should too. In retrospect, I realize I am hypocritical, since I don’t play games with my hand down my pants, but that would just be silly and would ruin my argument. Bottom line, watch porn instead of playing this game.

Ok, first thing you should do when inserting this disc into your 360 – INSTALL THE GAME TO YOUR HARDDRIVE. Do this now, do not even consider the consequences if you do not, unless you are like Craig and really lament for more Ray Parker Jr. in the game. Ray Parker Jr. can eat my ass as can the coders for this game who thought that we might not mind a 45 second load time EVERY TIME YOU DIE – which is wayyyy too often at the medium or high difficulty. Which brings me to the confusing part of my review…..right off the bat, I was in love with this game. Regardless of being a ghostbusters geek (which I am not) or being a huge fan of polished menus and start screens (which I unabashedly am), this game is poised to rule right from the jump. Graphics are ‘good enough’ – think Gears of War with proton packs – and the controls are exactly where I think they should be. Craig said it best by noting that ‘the controls feel just out of control enough to make you believe you are firing a proton pack, and just soft enough to feel like you are controlling an overweight New Yorker’ and he is, BEGRUDGINGLY, exactly right. I think the sign of a fun game is whether the designer can make the requisite game mechanics tutorial be more integrated into the game, and they succeed wholeheartedly on this one. So, I have my controls down, the graphics are good, the music and sound is great, I am loving life as I enter the Sedgewick Hotel in search of Slimer and the rest of the stuff I would expect from a GB title. Then the strangest thing happens – I am fighting several ghosts at once and my counterparts keep falling down, requiring me to go and revive them, which I do with great regret as they apparently do nothing to the overall health of the ghosts, and, ooops I get knocked down, so I get back up, and I start –ooops, just knocked down again, but no worries, I am getti – ooops, I am knocked down, this time BEFORE MY FRIGGIN ASS of a character IS OFF THE GROUND from the last knockdown, and this last one has ME needing a revival. But, lo and behold, the others are also on the ground, which leaves me DEAD. Cue the 45 second loading screen, cue RPJr and his soulglow, cue the snazzy animated loading screen. Rinse, and repeat. A LOT. To say the AI is cheap would not be accurate, or fair, but to say the AI is frustrating would be the most accurate thing said since ‘Adam Lambert is flamingly gay’. Never before in my 30+ years of gaming have I been so angry with an in-game death, then compelled by the sheer joy of the game when on my feet to actually restart, then pushed to suicide by a freaking loading screen, and finally forced to repeat this over and over just to see the next room/level/set piece. It is a testament to the overall design of this game that someone as cynical and A.D.D. as I would be as far into this game as I am. This mechanic of frustrating teammate AI and restarts continues and get more and more frustrating with each level – but so does the enjoyable locations, sound effects and upgradable joy as you purchase add-ons to your pack. Installing the game on your HDD can speed up the load times marginally, but it does nothing for the sheer anger you will experience when you spend 15 minutes running and reviving teammates only to find that you have essentially accomplished NOTHING over those 15 minutes central to the situation – remember, your boys do NOTHING to the health of the ghosts, they only assist in throwing traps and wrangling. The install also triggers some weird glitches and hold-ups in the game, so you are not home free. I think back to some other incredibly frustrating games I have played the hell out of, the first one cropping up being California Games, an early Commodore 64 title. This game was incredibly frustrating, but the load times were INSTANT, so I could fail the BMX course about 1000 times in an hour. The level I am currently playing in GB takes about 10 minutes before I die, although it could be 45 minutes if I chose to extend it, and the only thing I have to look forward to is the nose picking time I will get waiting for the level to load. In the end, I will probably not finish this game (go figure to those that know me), but I really, really REALLY want to! And that is why this is such an odd and unique situation. To quote the reviewer “
As vexing as these annoyances are, they're not so prominent that they cloud the experience” – what? Absolute frustration doesn’t cloud the experience? How about when my stupid compatriots get stuck behind a box and you need to restart a level since they apparently only make a bee-line for the next checkpoint rather than actually navigating a path? How about then, shitbag? I think you see my point, but let me try to incorporate this thought process into my review. When I was shagging your mom, she kept popping uppers, shitting uncontrollably and calling me ‘Daffodil’ – still, as vexing as these annoyances are, they're not so prominent that they cloud the experience. Yep, that about says it all.

In closing, Ghostbusters The Video Game is a worthy purchase, I think, if for no other reason than to see a license actually used correctly and shoot proton packs and slime cannons at that black guy whenever possible. I noted that this review was for the XBOX360 version as I understand that the Wii version differs significantly in both graphical style and gameplay mechanics. It is actually scoring higher on other sites for the Wii version which probably means that you can manually masturbate Slimer by shaking the Wiimote in an up and down motion or engage in a particularly stimulating mini-game involving the toaster from GB2, the painting of Viggo and a 22oz bottle of lube. As for the 360 version, you will find a thoroughly entertaining and excruciatingly frustrating experience at the same time.

Final Review (using a modified Patrice O’Neal hotness scale) – 21 out of 30, or an incredibly bad, great game”

The Show Turns 30...

...and yet the Barcode Fans still act like children.

Not that we're complaining or anything. I mean, seriously, we do a podcast about drinking and video games, so who are we to judge our fans? Now judge all the hard work of all the major players in the industry who put together elaborate showpieces for 2009's version of the Electronic Entertainment Expo? Now THAT's the kind of judging we can get behind.

And judge we do, by essentially crapping on their actual work using witty little inside jokes and drunken ramblings. But we are allowed to, because we have mics in front of our mouths, fans watching us live on the Internet via multiple cameras, callers from all walks of life, and proof that girls actually do like us. Seriously, a GIRL called out show! And she sounded hot! Like REAL person hot, not "Take what you can get because you're doing a tech podcast" hot. For real, you need to check that part out. We were just as surprised as you.

Anyway, this episode is all about E3, and once again we're able to prove that while we may not know as much about this stuff as we think we do, we DEFINITELY know more than you do, so just listen and learn as the Barcode Masters take you for a ride of knowledge. While under the influence. You should probably just buckle up, just to be safe.

-Check all this out and more over at!

Makk & Mike

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Need More Episode 29 Info?

You've Come to the Right Place.

Here's where we blog all the important things we talked about in Episode 29, and let you go enjoy it at your leisure. Don't forget to write in with your ideas for the Royal Rumble.

By the way, since I forgot last time, last Episode's Survey results said that 75% of the Listeners only beat about 25% or less of the games they play, with the remaining 25% claiming to beat an astounding 90% or more! Do not hesitate to answer the Survey this time, and please, if you ever see one of those 25% online, please mock those losers mercilessly. 90%?? Get a job!!

2) The BarcodePodcast Hot Line: (609) 910-1771

3) BarcodePodcast Insider's Dictionary Entry:
"The Stairwell Effect": refers to Mike's insistence that in order to explain away an absolutely ridiculous plot twist, one must simply say that the event is true; this will provide the watcher with all the information needed to believe the insane. For example, if the movie in question has a superhero who flies about in a steel suit fighting crime, the watcher will be unable to accept the premise without an explanation of where the fuel is kept. One must simply say, "Remember that incredible invention of the Fuel Capsule that can run an entire fleet of metal suits simply by placing them in the wearer's feet? Amazing, right?" Now this plot becomes completely plausible.
Used as in, "Whoa, how did Batman get all the way up on the roof of that 500 story buil....oooooh, wait, I see. Doesn't that sign say 'Stairwell'? Now it makes sense. Commence with the movie."

4) Game Shame On You Pick: Indigo Prophecy

5) Royal Rumble Selections
-Big Daddy
-Buddy Dacote
-Duke Nukem
-Gordon Freeman
-Random GTA Guy
-James Bond
-Donkey Kong
-Samus Aran
-Leon Kennedy
-WWII Soldier

-Solid Snake
-Master Chief
-Lara Croft
-Toe Jam
-Bo Jackson
-Johnny Cage
-Super-Mutant (Fallout)
-King of All Cosmos
-Albert Wesker
-Saren (Mass Effect)
-Nathan "Radd" Spencer
-Buzz the Quiz Show Host

(Add Your Own Ideas by Emailing!)

6) E3 Predictions
-Microsoft Motion Controller
-Sony Video Controller
-Team ICO Game Shown
-Alan Wake Video Shown
-Heavy Rain Playable
-PS3 Price Drop
-MAG Playable
-PSP Go! Officially Launches
-Ken Levine Game Launched
-MGS5 Shown
-Half-Life Episode 3 or something in the HL Universe Shown
-Most to Lose: Nintendo
-Mike: Microsoft Wins
-Craig: Sony Wins

Finally, don't forget, the Question of the Week is, "Who do you think won at E3?" Email us at Enjoy!

-Check all this out and more at!

-Makk & Mike

Episode 29 will change the way you think about the BarcodePodcast.

Honestly, this Episode is Ground-Breaking.

Did you ever think you would be able to listen and respond to the Barcode Boys in REAL-TIME??

Well, now you can!

Thanks to the magic of the InnnerWebs, the Boys decided to broadcast the show live via LiveStream (formerly in formerly like a few days ago while we were recording)! Then they decided to broadcast LIVE VIDEO! Yeah, as in the stuff that you don't get to see while listening to an AUDIO Podcast. So you are being notified up front: there are visual bits that were HILARIOUS while happening, but essentially utterly incomprehensible when you listen to it. Great way to bring in fans, right?
Anyway, the show starts as an absolute mess, with TONS of technical difficulties due to their desire to try to set this all up mere minutes before starting the show. But once things got rolling, this is a show for the ages. We learn such wonderful things as Mike's nickname for his genitals, which famous ex-action heroes are faithful listeners of the show, the inconsistencies of teleportation, game characters that look like accident victims, and much, much more. Plus we learn how to call and harass the Boys, which makes everything worthwhile. Honestly, you just need to listen for yourself. This show defies explanation.

-Check it all out and more over at!

-Makk & Mike

BREAKING NEWS: BarcodePodcast Update!

We're finally relatively High-Tech.

And by that we mean, we finally figured out how to work a phone. More specifically, and Internet Phone. So feel free to call the Barcode Boys yourself and leave a message on the
Brand-New BarcodePodcast Hot Line! The Hotline Number is:
(609) 910-1771

Feel free to call us and leave a message about the Question of the Week, a Listener Live, or just a random thought. We will listen to it LIVE on the Show (after pre-screening it to ensure it fits accepted social criteria, of course)!

-Check all this out and more over at!

-Makk & Mike

Here's Everything You Need to Know About Episode 28!

We Know You Don't Always Take Notes... we post all the pertinent information from the show both on the Blog as well as on the Home Page under Updates Galore for your perusal. Honestly, it's amazing we get this up at all, because we don't take notes either and we also get really, really drunk. So we usually wing this section. Anyway, hope you enjoy it!

1) Best Websites to Swap Games Instead of Buying: and

2) Our "Build the Perfect Handheld" Specs:
-Screen: 480 x 272, 4.3 inch Widescreen Display
-Form Factor: No Flip, Single Screen
-Input and Control: Touch Screen, Dual Analog Stick that Pops Up or Slides Underneath, Buttons Alongside vs Below Screen
-Add-ons: Ability to Attach Second Screen
-Shape: No Bigger than Current PSP, Must Fit in Pocket
-Game Delivery System: Digital Distribution, Ability to Transfer Games and Saves To/From PC
- Added Functionality: Camera, MP3, Mobile Wi-Fi, Optional Data Service (G3, etc), TouchScreen Keyboard
-Extras: Variable Birghtness Dial, Auto-Updating, Stand-By Mode Without Battery Drain

3) Heavy Metal Computers: See the Updates Galore Page for Examples of Heavy Metal Computers, and email MetalForever@Comcast.Net for More Information

You better go check some of these pages out! Enjoy, and see you next Episode!

-Makk & Mike

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Episode 28 is here to stay!

Check out the brandest, newest, Grand-daddiest of them all...Episode 28.

This episode is seriously too long to describe all the insanity in one blog post, so I won't even try. But trust us when we say that it is worth it. It starts off innocently enough, with a couple of new sponsors and some poor attempts at humor. Then someone brought in the Jager shots, and...

Wait, did someone say Jager shots?? 

Yeah, it was right around there that things plummet off the cliff. The Boys show that no matter how seriously they try to take this whole podcast experiment, they fall apart like the best of us when they get flustered and/or hammered. Suffice to say, everything and anything is covered in this episode, including horrible and disfiguring Satchel-carrying Dolphin accidents, horrible and hilarious baby shaking tragedies, Mike succumbing to the "Dark Side", money hats, in-studio beer wenches, and one sad and pathetic retarded listener who has too much time on his hands and can only fill said loneliness by trying to join in the "Listener Live" Craze that is sweeping the nation. You'll have to listen to understand...go ahead, Treat Yourselves! 

There's really no reason to even mention it again, but we will: the Boys get seriously, and some might said dangerously, hammered in this episode. And all to keep you entertained. So enjoy it. Oh, and please oh PLEASE, rank the show over at iTunes! Thanks. The Boys will thank you when they finally sober up.

-Check all this out and more over at! 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Want to check out all those crazy Websites we referenced in the Show?

The wacky ones where you need a webcam and a printer? Well, here they are! Let us know what you think.

1) The Assassin's Creed 2 Animus Teaser:

2) The GE Smart Grid Technology: (Click on "Open the Door..." link to the far right.)

3) The Sony EyePet Demo Video:

If you find any similar concepts , let us know. This is incredible technology, and it will be amazing to see what we can do with it. See what you think!

Check this all out and more over at!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Episode 27 is going to change your life.

This is an Episode for the Ages.

Why, you ask? Because this is the episode that will go down in history as the one that completely and utterly redefined your image of the BarcodePodcast. Episode 27 is the one you will always remember where your lovable old Barcode Boys made the leap to super-stardom, because this is the moment where
the BCP and HOLLYWOOD collide!

Finally, the Boys will live up to the longest teased bit in podcast history by finally proving themselves to all their fans and getting a world-exclusive interview with non-other than Kari Wahlgren, the Queen of All Media! She's been in countless movies, commercials, anime, and even video games, and she wants to talk to you. Listen as she discusses how to break into the industry, her work with that Star Trek kid, her favorite beers, and her fears over Mike's fixation with children, and not in a good way. You will fear Mike more than ever.

But WAIT, there's more! You will hear more coverage of GDC than you probably need, but way less than the now-infamous E3 Blow-Out. Want to finally hear the Boys spend more than three minutes discussing what they are playing? Tune in! And listen to Craig passionately defend why all media will one day even up utilizing electronic distribution, not just video games, to a clueless Mike.

And in case it's even a question anymore, they drink quite a bit, but the difference is they can't blame their drunkenness on fake sponsors anymore. Because for this episode, the Boys even have an honest-to-goodness sponsor! Listen as they drunkenly try to convey the wonders of, or just head on over to the site to get a better idea than those drunken douches could ever explain.

Check it all out and more over at!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Episode 26 is FINALLY here!

Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Yes, we are aware how late this episode is. Yes, we have our reasons. No, we're not going to tell you. Well, maybe Mike will, but you have to ask him first. It really is all his fault, and that makes it funny.

Anyway, this "holiday" episode includes everything you expect in a Barcode show: a HUGE movie gets a bad review, which leads to an even BIGGER blowout argument; the Boys discuss franchises they would love to see come back from the dead, even though they have a ton of games that have barely had the plastic wrap removed; they are joined by an incredibly drunk In-Studio guest from the past who is obviously incapable of keeping his liquor down; and they ramble on and on for what seems like forever. Oh, and Craig clearly doesn't understand that just because you HAVE a sound board doesn't mean you have to USE it. Over and over and over again. And, of course, they drink a lot of beer. It IS St. Patty's Day to them, after all!
This is definitely an episode for the ages. Enjoy it, along with all the new high-tech stuff they have in place in order to make the show seem even more well-produced than it really is. Speaking of which, go over to right now and follow their Twits (or however you kids are saying that). You can actually interact with the show LIVE via the Twitter page. Trust'll all make sense in the end.

Check all this out and more over at!

-Makk & Mike

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Is it really that hard to "Bring the Funny?"

Apparently, when it comes to video games, it may very well be. Video game developers have been trying for years to create games that are genuinely funny, while not forgetting about that whole damn gameplay aspect. This has ended with widely varying results. On one end you have older games like the Monkey Island series, the original Space Quest games, Maniac Mansion & its sequel Day of the Tentacle, Duke Nukem series, and (more recently) Portal or the Sam & Max and Penny Arcade episodes. These games take various approaches to humor, whether it's childish jokes like Duke Nukem, ridiculous insanity such as Sam & Max, or more thought-provoking obscure humor such as Portal. And don't forget the Grand Theft Auto games brand of off-color humor, including the radio DJs and commercials. However, games often focus on spoof to generate laughs, such as the recent Bard's Tale or the Simpson's Movie game. Taking nothing away from a spoof, which can be quite good when done well, it is typically seen as the lowest common denominator (as evidenced by the recent rash of " Movie" that the Wayans have milked for years since the mildly interesting original Scary Movie all the way back in 2000...don't even bother seeing one from the last 7 years. You'll thank us.).

On the other hand, just as many games have tried and failed to use humor as a center stage. Take, for example, a game like Bad Mutha Truckers 2: Truck Me Harder (which, consequently is not funny because they decided to actually make a sequel). Two ideas this game should learn from general humor outside the video game world:

1) A play on words is, in truth, not funny 99.9% of the time. In fact, it is probably just annoying to everyone.
2) Anyone who tries really hard to be funny is usually just embarrassing and pathetic. We have all been 'that guy' at sometime in our lives, and it is nothing to be ashamed of. Unless for some reason you decide to put that horribly pathetic snapshot of your life and decide to expand it into 6-10 hours of shame and sell it for the whole world to go back to and mock incessantly at will. I would guess you get the point by now.

Another example of failed humor is BMX XXX. First off, see rule one above. Secondly, who actually thought the idea of naked porn stars, pixellated boobies, and BMX riding would be funny?? Am I missing something?

Or remember Topheavy Studios' "The Guy Game?" Where they took the fantastic You Don't Know Jack trivia game, added naked chicks, and removed all the humor? Yeah, you're way better off if you don't. (Another note to self: clearly adding nudity to a genre that doesn't normally work with it doesn't make it wacky and hilarious, just strange and uncomfortable.)

Which brings me to the reason for this post in the first place. You may have heard of a game that just came out for both the 360 and PS3 names "Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard." It chronicles the triumphant return of video game action icon from the 80's and early 90's and blatant Duke Nukem homage, Matt Hazard. Go look up his history at if you don't remember or missed him the first few times around...we'll wait.

Back? Okay, well so far so good. Vicious Cycle Software basically created the character from top to bottom as a spoof of various action video game and movie characters, with kicker being that he knows he's a video game character. They then proceed to mock, not merely spoof, everything you know about video games as a whole. For example, there is a scene right at the start of a level where his mission tasks are being transmitted to him via the top corner of the screen. Instead of one or two tasks, it starts scrolling down the entire screen with ridiculously specific goals, until he finally says, "Ummm...can we just get to the specifics?" The words disappear, and is replaced with a text stating "Kill Everything That Moves," to which he replies, "That's more like it." Or the battle against Altos Tratus, the huge JRPG-style boss that requires Matt to read all his text before clicking a button to advance to the next box, and even going so far as to his frustration with time wasted due to a response via an ellipsis.

I won't pretend that every joke hits. Even if more than half make you chuckle, the game is significantly better than most attempts at humor available. But if you remember back to the second sentence of this blog, you'd know that there was an enttire other half to the comedy game: in fact, it is the gameplay itself. And this is where Matt Hazard falls apart. The humor is evident, but it almost seems as though the designers put all their effort into that at the expense of gameplay. It feels very unpolished, and even broken in some areas, such as overly complicated controls and killboxes to a degree you have never seen before towards the end of the game. You could argue that a funny game with broken gameplay is better than a well-played unfunny attempt at a humorous game, but why should gamers have to settle for both?

Now we come to the end of the blog, where I offer a solution to the problem. Or I would, rather, if I had one. And if I did, wouldn't we be making games instead of doing a halfway funny podcast about them? In the end, "Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard" is a relatively funny mocking of video games that has some poor gameplay attached to it. I recommend you rent or borrow it if you can, if only to see how many of the inside jokes you get and/or laugh at. But you'll have to wait a little longer for that elusive games that somehow finds the right mix of both integral parts of the comedy game.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Episode 25 was chock-full of lists you need!

And Here....We...Go.

The Top Ten List of Alcohol-Involved Games

10. Duke Nukem 3D

9. Leisure Suit Larry (Series)

8. BioShock

7. Postal 2

6. Oblivion

5. Conker's Bad Fur Day

4. Tapper (The Original)

3. Fallout 3 (and Series)

2. Grand Theft Auto 4

1. Condemned 2

Beer-Tasting Challenge List of Options

From Left to Right...

1. Rochefort Trappist #6
2. Starboard Oat Malt Stout
3. Weyerbacher FireSide Ale
4. Oskar Blues Gordon Ale
5. Flying Dog Gonzo Porter
6. Oskar Blues Dale's Pale Ale
7. BluePoint Toasted Lager
8. Founder's Double Trouble
9. Oskar Blues Ten-Fidy Stout

10. Flying Dog Horn Dog Barley Wine Ale
11. Samichlaus Malt Bier
12. Sinebrychoff Porter

Check it all out and more at!

-Makk & Mike

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The BarcodePocast isn't just about tech, right?

There is also that little part about the liquor. Beer, to be exact. Well, the Boys decided to give you all a very special Episode this week:

The Beer Episode!

This is the very first time you have ever seen (or heard) an episode this incredible, this ambitious, this awe-inspiring, so strap in, kids! The Boys were able to pull together a bunch of alcohol-themed Listener Live questions (some better than other...and some just plain terrible), beer-related News items, a beer version of ListMania (which you can find under Updates Galore as well as in this blog), and their most ambition bit yet: a first-ever, LIVE on the podcast, Beer-Tasting Competition! You will just have to listen to find out who will be crowned the King of All Beers. Plus, as a Bonus, the Boys replay their Award-Winning "Build the Best Bar" bit that you all raved over.

As scary as it may be, you will most likely even learn something from this episode, so grab a beer or twelve, try not to get too hammered, and enjoy the First Ever (but certainly not the Last) BarcodePodcast Beer Episode!

Check all this out and more over at!

-Makk & Mike

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Barcode Boys are Hi-Tech!
In case you haven't noticed, the site has been redesigned almost daily in order to improve it and meet your impossibly high standards. We've added sticky's to keep you up-to-date on all the newest features, added a brand new blog, and made it infinitely easier to contact us directly via quick clicks. Please, don't embarrass us by not using any of it!
a) You can follow our blog by either subscribing to it directly or clicking on the "RSS" button at the top to follow the RSS feeds.
b) Also, you can view all our features by using the handy new NAV bar at the top...there is no reason to ever miss out on an exciting new update!
c) We have a brand new survey that will finally let us see what you think about our "exciting" and "fun" bit, Best Year Ever! Get involved, bitches!
d) Finally, DO NOT FORGET TO SUBMIT YOUR LISTENER LIVE COMMENTS and ANSWERS TO THE QUESTION OF THE WEEK!! Now look what you've done. I've gone and yelled at my computer, and it wasn't his fault. Seriously, how else will we know what you think of us? Please. This show doesn't write itself.*
Check it all out and more at!
-Makk & Mike
*Of course it doesn't! That would require a highly sophisticated AI the likes of which hasn't been seen before. We write it, of course. That should go without saying. Haven't you listened to it?

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Happy New WebSite....I mean Year!

With a Brand New Year comes a
Brand New Episode 24!
Well, it's actually the ONLY Episode 24, but who's counting? Hopefully you're not counting the number of times Mike tries out the brand new SOUNDBOARD, or you will lose your friggin mind! It's like watching a mentally challenged kid try to play with his new toy plastic bag...painfully, potentially dangerous, but you just can't look away. But Craig's effort to be funny is just as bad...and seriously uncomfortable. Punch out, Maverick!
But seriously, this show brings a lot of new content, a brand new Rant-Zolutions segment for 2009, and an in-studio guest. Possibly the last in-studio guest ever, as the boys are clearly not used to being called out on their bullshit. And they FINALLY finish the WORST BIT EVER CREATED, by ANYONE, EVER. Seriously. They almost quite doing the show in protest, but not quite.
Anyway, check out the new episode. You will most likely love 25% of what they say, hate about 50%, and be embarrassed by the remainder. Don't forget to drink along with the boys, or the end will be really uncomfortable to listen to. Drinking only makes it easier, trust me.
Check it all out and more at!
-Makk & Mike

Friday, January 16, 2009

2008 BCPGOTY Award Winners

2008 BCPGOTY Award Spectacular!
(in order of appearance)
Best Multiplayer Game: Left 4 Dead (Xbox360)
Best Singleplayer Game: Metal Gear Solid 4 (Ps3)
Best Graphics, Technical: Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)
Best Graphics, Artistic: LittleBigPlanet (PS3)
Best PS3 Game Overall: Metal Gear Solid 4
Best Xbox360 Game Overall: Grand Theft Auto 4
Best Wii Game Overall*: DeBlob
Best Handheld Game Overall: God of War: Chains of Olympus (PSP)
Most Disappointing Game: Mercenaries 2/Star Wars: Force Unleashed/Mirror's Edge (3-Way Tie)
Most Surprising: Fallout 3's VATS Combat System
Most Overhyped: Xbox360's NXE Dashboard
Most Underhyped: Burnout Paradise (Xbox360)
Best Action Game Overall: Call of Duty: World at War (Xbox360)
Best RPG/Adventure Game Overall: Fallout 3 (Xbox360)
Best Storyline: Grand Theft Auto 4
Most Annoying Fanboys: Wii Fanboys
Worst Exploitation of a Minority: Grand Theft Auto 4
Worst Use of a License: Guitar Hero Venues
Best Original I.P: LittleBigPlanet (PS3)
Best Sound/Atmosphere: Dead Space
Most Frustrating Gaming Moment: Left4Dead Multiplayer
Best Game I Wanted to Hate: Gears of War 2 (Xbox360)
Worst Game I Wanted to Love: Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bults (Xbox360)/Mercenaries 2/Spider-Man: Web of Shadows (3-Way Tie)
Most Anticipated Game of 2009: Batman: Arkham Asylum
Worst Game We Played: Too Human (Xbox360)
2008 BCPGOTY: Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)
*Also Known As Least Shitty Wii Game of the Year

Episode 23, the BCPGOTY Awards!!

The 2nd Annual BCPGOTY Award Spectacular 2008 is finally here! The Boys have an insane amount of awards this year, so each one has its own chapter to make navigation even easier. Plus, Wacker makes another (horrible) appearance on the Show, and mumbles some incomprehensible babble. The amazing thing is that even though they don't agree on everything, the face that they actually agree on anything at all should count for something. Craig gets angry and loud again (which is becoming a bit of a "we get it, you argue a lot" moment at this point), and Mike still sounds like he is barely knowledgeable enough to be on the Show at all. Oh, and they drink a lot, as usual. But this time it's crappy Carlsberg....yes, it can't always be good beer, we know.

Just so you know, you can find the BCPGOTY Awards listed in the blog post immediately following this one, along with a sticky on the main page. Seriously, if you aren't sick of these awards by the time you are done, you must have some Jedi mind tricks to preserve your sanity. Feel free to comment on the blog or via email if you think the Boys blew it when giving out the Awards, and when in doubt, follow the Show's mantra: Blame Wacker.

-Makk & Mike

Monday, January 12, 2009

We're Back! (And Better than Ever!)

Now that the Blog is up and running on the main page, feel free to send any comments or ideas you may have for us, things from older shows you want us to archive on here, or responses to the Question of the WEEK! Also, tell your friends to check us out (assuming you have friends), as we can always use the ego stroke of another iTunes subscriber. Coming soon: BCPGOTY!!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

The NEW BarCODE Podcast BLOG!!

This will be the home for any verbal diahrea that we are unable to work into our 3 hour podcast (yes, it actually happens) as well as a venue for question of the week, any Build-a-perfect-something shopping lists and, of course, the annual BCPGOTY Award rundown. Stay tuned!!