Let's Get Ready to Rumble.
Seriously, this time, it's personal. The Barcode Boys have finally done it. The Show might not go on. You've constantly asked, "Is it real? Are the Douche-CounterDouche fights legit? Do they really hate each other that much, or is it all an act?" Well, Episode 32 finally answers that question for you. They really do hate each other.
Listen to Episode 32 and find out why. Not to mention an all-new "Build the Perfect Superhero Game" in honor of Batman, a revamped Hype Machine 3.0, and the start of the 2009 Video Game Royal Rumble! Plus, you can also hear how the Barcode Boys handle having a real-live, honest-to-goodness professional game reviewer in-studio. Especially when that professional takes sides with one of the hosts against the other. I can tell you one thing, it's not pretty. But you will start to learn why listening to this whole Live Stream thing is a good idea...behind the scenes has never been more cringe-inducing and hilarious. Oh, and one last thing, don't forget the beer. Boy, do they get hammered this Episode. Will they kiss and make up? Only time and the next Episode will tell for sure. Tune in and find out why the BarcodePodcast may be an Endangered Species.
-Check all this out and more over at www.BarcodePodcast.com!
Don't forget to check out the Updates Galore tab for all the info from Episode 32. Think of it like the Director's Cut version, and we're not even charging extra for it! You freeloaders....