Saturday, July 3, 2010
Episode 38 is a Lost Cause.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
It's Award Season!
Platform Awards
PS3 Game of the Year– Uncharted 2, KZ2, Ratchet, Buzz! Quiz World, Batman: AA
Wii Game of the Year– Dead Space, House of the Dead: OverKill, New Super Mario Bros Wii, Murasma
Handheld/Portable Game of the Year – Mario: Bowser’s Inside Story, Zelda: Spirit Tracks, GTA: Chinatown Wars, Professor Layton & the Diabolical Box, Henry Hatsworth & the Puzzling Adventure, Patapon 2, LBP PSP
Xbox 360 Game of the Year – Modern Warfare 2, Assassin's Creed 2, L4D2, Forza 3
Genre Awards
Best Action Game – inFamous, Batman: AA, Assassin's Creed 2, Shadow Complex, L4D2
Best RPG – Dragon Age: Origins, Mario: Bowser's Inside Story, Zelda: Spirit Tracks, Demon’s Souls
Best Sports Game - Fight Night Rd 4, NHL 2010, Madden 10, MLB 09: The Show, UFC 2009: Undisputed
Special Achievements
Best Multiplayer – L4D2, Halo: ODST, Modern Warfare 2, KillZone 2, Borderlands
Best Single Player – Uncharted 2, Ratchet & Clank, GTA: Chinatown Wars (DS), Batman: AA, Assassin’s Creed 2, Resident Evil 5, inFamous
Best Tech Graphics – Forza 3, Uncharted 2, KillZone 2, Modern Warfare 2, Batman, Resident Evil 5
Best Art Graphics – Murasma, Brutal Legend, Borderlands, Street Fighter 4, Beatles: RB, Champions Online, Ratchet & Clank
Best Storyline – Assassin's Creed 2, Uncharted 2, Mario: Bowser's Inside Story, Brutal Legend, Dragon Age: Origins
Best Original IP – inFamous, Brutal Legend, Borderlands, Dragon Age: Origins
Best Sound/Music – KillZone 2, Batman:AA, Silent Hill, Forza 3, Brutal Legend, DJ Hero, Wet
Best Character - Nathan Drake, Joker, Henry Hatsworth, Soap McTavish, Mike Tyson, Cole
Biggest "Holy S#?!" Moment - "No Russian" level, Train Crash in UC2, Batman childhood memory scene, End of inFamous
Most Hours Logged - Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3 DLC, L4D2, Dragon Age: Origins
Best Innovation - Create a Storyline in SvR: 2010, Online Franchises in Madden, Legacy Mode in Fight Night Rd 4, Physics in Red Faction: G, "Go-Anywhere" Movement Control Scheme in inFamous, Input in ScribbleNauts, Custom KillStreaks in Modern Warfare 2
Best Downloadable Game - Fat Princess, Shadow Complex, Battlefield 1943, Trials HD
Best Expansion Content - GTA Content, Fallout 3 DLC, Halo Waypoint, Batman: AA (Joker/Challenge Maps)
Funniest Game - Brutal Legend, Matt Hazard, Monkey Island: SE, Rachet & Clank, Mario: Bowser's Inside Story
Most Offensive Character - Ellis the Redneck (L4D2), Gay Tony (GTA4), Flavor Flav (DJ Hero), Freddy Mercury (SingStar: Queen), Mike Tyson (Fight Night Rd 4)
Best Achievement/Trophy - Matt Hazard's "Multiplayer Master" (What? No multiplayer? Sigh. Well...not like we can take the achievement back NOW...."), MW2's "Royale with Cheese" (Defend Burger Town), Borderland's "My Brother's an Italian Plumber" (Kill an enemy by stomping on it's head), Dirt 2's "2 Cups, 1 Girl" (WIn two team events with the same female teammate)
Dubious & Surprising Honors
Most Disappointing Game of the Year – Brutal Legend, Prototype, Tony Hawk: Ride, Scribblenauts, MadWorld, Wolfenstein
Most Surprising Game of the Year – GTA: Chinatown Wards (DS), Batman: AA, Ghostbusters, Borderlands, 50 Cent: BotS
Most Overhyped Game of the Year– Scribblenauts, Tony Hawk: Ride, Brutal Legend, Avatar, The Conduit, Halo: ODST, Modern Warfare 2
Most Underhyped Game of the Year – Ratchet & Clank, inFamous, Buzz! Quiz World, Demon’s Souls
Worst Use of License – Beatles Rockband, TH: Ride, DJ Hero, Star Trek: D-A-C, Indiana Jones: Staff of Kings
Game I Wanted to Hate – 50 Cent:BoTS, New Super Mario Bros Wii, Assassin's Creed 2, Dead Space: Extraction, Excite Bots, Halo: ODST
Game I Wanted to Love – Brutal Legend, Tony Hawk: Ride, Dragon Age: Origins, Scribblenauts, Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles, F.E.A.R2: Project Origin, Section 8
Worst Game We Played – Rogue Warrior, Avatar, Scribblenauts, LSL: Box Office Bust, Darkest of Days, Indiana Jones: Staff of Kings, G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra
2010 Prediction Award
Most Anticipated of 2010– Bioshock 2, Dark Void, Heavy Rain, Mass Effect 2, God of War 3, Last Guardian, Gran Turismo 5, Splinter Cell: Conviction, Alan Wake, Star Wars: The Old Republic, MAG, Alpha Protocol, Dante's Inferno
Friday, January 29, 2010
Monday, November 9, 2009
Wow....a Triple-Header Review??
We promise, we are going to start doing more of these, since we have gotten rave reviews for our reviews. A few things up front as reminders, we don't actually review games the way you're used to. We don't have to put hours and hours into a game and complete it, then give you all types of technical jargon bull to come up with a decimal point rating. We basically review games the way you do: we play for a bit and come to a decision whether or not this game is good and warrants more play time. So, without further ado, I bring you the latest installment of the BarcodePodcast review section! (Oh, quick note, these are all Craig's opinions, so mock him if you don't agree!)
First off, I must admit that I have played a few MMOs in the past. As mentioned in previous podcasts, I played Warcraft for about 9 months or so. While I appreciated its technical achievements, I grew very bored of the repetitive storyline and quest structure and bailed. Next was Guild Wars, the free-to-play MMO. Again, I liked its look, but grew quickly tired and bailed once I realized I was playing more out of obligation than fun. At this time I realized the scam these companies use: they make you play more because you feel you already paid and put in all this time, and not because you can't wait to see what stupid Rat Creature you have to kill to get five of it's hides and bring them to some guy who lives on the other side of the PLANET so we can send you to the other guy who makes the hides into potions that will help you get the young lady in your original town to give you another QUEST. Really? Seriously?? That's not even a joke, people....that happened. Twice.
Last but not least was City of Heroes/Villains. This game kept my attention the longest, as it catered to my love of superheroes and allowed for a lot of solo play (guilds are for queers). Plus the character creation was amazing. But again, I bailed after a while, as too many other games were taking up my time.
Then the CoH/V creators made Champions Online. Put simply, this game is an improvement in every conceivable way, and one that you will enjoy for a while. Why, you ask? Well, first off, I challenge you to try the insane character creation and not have a blast. You can even change the powers down to the color of an energy blast and where it fires from. Seriously, it is much more fun to do than to explain. The game provides so many options you can even make a character that could get you a hit with a lawsuit for infringement. Plus the game encourages solo play just as much as group play, so you can play however you like. And the comic book-style look to it is amazing looking, and will draw you in even further.
Remember, you may only play for six months or even a year, but that is still much longer than I ever give to single game. So in my (comic) book, this game is a (power) blast! Awwww yeah, you like how I did that, right? Am I awesome or what??
I don't even want to waste your time with a long-winded review of this next game. This should pretty much suffice: If you have a PS3, go buy Uncharted 2 right now. Seriously. Unless maybe you are already playing it, but then you should buy another one to support Naughty Dog. This game is amazing, in every possible way. It is quite possibly the most cinematic game I have ever played. And yes, I am including MGS4 in that statement. While MGS4 had a very intricate story with a lot of excellent cut scenes, Uncharted 2 could literally be turned into a movie tomorrow, frame for frame. You will love the 'building collapsing' scene just as much as you loved watching at E3, but that's only the start. The train scene? The escape from the tower? Wow...I could go on all day, but I don't want to ruin it. Seriously, get it right now. I'll wait. And damn, are you dumb for waiting for my review to finally pick it up. How cheap are you?
Here is the final game. Now I know it is well documented on our show that Mike and I have completely different tastes in music. While he enjoys screaming and shouting, I enjoy a more refined type of music with nice beats and words you can almost understand. Something more like, say, Jay-Z or the Jackson 5. So you would assume that DJ Hero would be right up my alley. And if you assumed that, you would be right.
Finally a game was made for those of us who aren't solely into Rock Music. The whole mash-up concept works very well, mixing Pop music with R&B, or Rap with Rock, etc. The music selection, while not perfect, is definitely better than the last few Guitar Hero games. And the turntable feels as awesome as Guitar Hero did the first time you ever played it. It definitely gets you even closer to the authentic feel than any other plastic instrument has to this point. Check it out, maybe at a GameStop or a friends, and see what you think. But if you like music games, or Hip-Hop, or both, buy this game today. But not the Renegade Edition. They are seriously trying to screw you there. 80 bucks for a few new songs and a DJ table? Only a retard would do that. Please tell me you're not retarded? Are we still allowed to use the word 'retarded'? Wow, that word is funny. Just say it with me....RETARD. HA!
Champions Online: 18 (An incredibly awesome generic MMO, which knocks it down because MMOs are by definition so far impossibly generic and filled with fetch-quests...but a great one for what it does, which is make you feel like a Super-Hero comic book writer.)
Uncharted 2: 26 (An awesome all-around game for anyone with a snappy banter, or witty review words...just go buy it.)
DJ Hero: 21 (A great music game that doesn't do anything new with the gameplay or modes versus any of the older music games, but finally includes good music...good enough for me.)
Agree with these Reviews? Disagree vehemently? We want to know. Drop us a line at!
CONGRATULATIONS, our dear friends.
Episode 33 will crawl its way through your eyeballs and into your brain.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Episode 32 changes EVERYTHING.

Listen to Episode 32 and find out why. Not to mention an all-new "Build the Perfect Superhero Game" in honor of Batman, a revamped Hype Machine 3.0, and the start of the 2009 Video Game Royal Rumble! Plus, you can also hear how the Barcode Boys handle having a real-live, honest-to-goodness professional game reviewer in-studio. Especially when that professional takes sides with one of the hosts against the other. I can tell you one thing, it's not pretty. But you will start to learn why listening to this whole Live Stream thing is a good idea...behind the scenes has never been more cringe-inducing and hilarious. Oh, and one last thing, don't forget the beer. Boy, do they get hammered this Episode. Will they kiss and make up? Only time and the next Episode will tell for sure. Tune in and find out why the BarcodePodcast may be an Endangered Species.
-Check all this out and more over at!